Behind The House
Kev Filmore
I had seen the man over the years, but only from afar, gardening or getting in his car.
The unusual style of his house attracted me and made me curious to know more.
Abruptly the man disappeared, never to return.
The painted white brick house stood lifeless.
Someone had emptied some things out and left others outside.
I passed by every day during my walks and took pictures from the sidewalk.
The large mirror leaning against the front always caught the sun and my eye.
It reflected light, along with the time of day and passing seasons.
Nine months into the Pandemic and alone on Thanksgiving day, I finally got up the nerve to walk down the driveway and look behind the house.
I have returned regularly to make pictures and observe this man’s world fading away.
Over and over I am struck by the beauty and sense of sanctuary that this place offers me.
My heart beats faster and I hold my breath while treading softly in his space.
Cedar keepsake boxes hold the pictures I made on my travels around the block.
I hope to honor the life of the man I never met.
(Real cedar bookends connect the accordion style book and give the viewer an olfactory experience along with the visual.)
Recent Exhibitions Behind the House is included in-
PhotoCentric 2021 Garrison Art Center, Juror Jill Enfield-current
Once Upon A Time Griffin Museum of Photography 202-current
Winter Solstice Griffin Museum of Photography 2021-current
Curated Fridge Autumn 2021, Curator-Crista Dix
Projections at The Griffin Museum, Curator-Paula Tognarelli 2021